Speaking at a function held here recently to felicitate Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh on his government completing four years in office, Kamat had said Thackeray should be put in jail for supporting the sadhvi. "Even Deshmukh must have squirmed when Kamat made this demand," the octogenarian Thackeray, whose son Uddhav now virtually manages Sena affairs, said.
The blast case is being probed under pressure and attempt is being made to brand people as 'Hindu terrorists', Thackeray, who had last month demanded that troops be sent inside mosques to flush out Islamic militants, said. Stating that he had never been afraid of being arrested, Thackeray asked the government to clarify whether he would be arrested for supporting Hindus in 'Hindustan' or for thwarting danger to the Marathi pride in Maharashtra.
Thackeray recalled when late Chief Minister Vasantrao Naik had got him arrested and sent to Pune's Yerwada jail, there was arson in Maharashtra and he had to appeal for peace. "Is it not your simple calculation that Hindutva forces would be crushed and your Muslim vote bank would be strengthened if you arrest me in connection with the sadhvi case," Thackeray said.
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