Union Railways Minister and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Yadav joined hands with Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) supremo Ram Vilas Paswan and cornered majority of the Lok Sabha seats in Bihar. The duo divided 37 seats among themselves and left just three seats out of the 40 for the Congress in Bihar. Stung by the seat-sharing deal, the Congress announced that it will go alone in the Lok Sabha elections in Bihar and contest 37 seats.
Meanwhile, in another major development key National Democratic Alliance (NDA) partner and Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has taken on the Bharatiya Janata party (BJP) over the Varun Gandhi hate speech issue. It seems the power equation id changing in Bihar with Lau moving away from the Congress and Nitish adopting a hardline towards the BJP.
CNN-IBN’s India @ 9 grilled Lalu Prasad on his relationship with the Congress and the power equation in Bihar.
CNN-IBN: Nitish Kumar has come to Delhi and criticised Varun Gandhi. Are you seeing a new alliance? Is Nitish Kumar getting closer to the Congress and you are getting away from the Congress?
Lalu Prasad: Why don’t you ask him to declare? He is criticising Varun Gandhi to save his face among the minority community. He is a very, very greedy man for power. He will never leave the BJP.
CNN-IBN: You don’t see Nitish Kumar moving closer to the Congress? Somewhere down the line in speech after speech there is an indication that Nitish is edging closer to the UPA?
Lalu Prasad: The main point is that in the entire country is talking about the language used by Varun Gandhi. The speech was approved by the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh). Nitish Kumar is sitting in the BJP's lap, the Sangh Pariwar's lap and that is why he saying these things to save his face.
CNN-IBN: But is it possible that after the election that Nitish Kumar is with the ruling party at the Centre and Lalu sits in the Opposition. How realistic is the possibility?
Lalu Prasad: He is very greedy for power. I know him very well as he was with me earlier.
CNN-IBN: After the break-up that you had in Bihar, will you remain with the Congress, with the UPA even after the elections?
Lalu Prasad: I have said this many times that we are part and parcel of the UPA. UPA does not mean the Congress alone
CNN-IBN: But you are fighting the Congress?
Lalu Prasad: Yes, yes. They are fighting. I am not fighting.
CNN-IBN: Rahul Gandhi said we did not leave Lalu Prasad but he left the Congress?
Lalu Prasad: That's ok. That's his view. We are part and parcel of UPA. Sonia Gandhiji and Manmohan Singhji have said that the UPA will form the government.
CNN-IBN: But what about the seat sharing problems? Have you spoken to Sonia Gandhi about it?
Lalu Prasad: I don’t want to involve Sonia Gandhiji in any controversy. I respect her.
CNN-IBN: But has not your alliance with Ram Vilas Paswan created problems in you relations with Sonia Gandhi?
Lalu Prasad: No, no. Nobody can break my relations with Sonia Gandhi, whether I am in power or out of power.
CNN-IBN: But some people say you broke away from the UPA because you were greedy for power?
Lalu Prasad: Look, people are shocked to see Ram Vilas Paswan joining hands with me. The same people who had dismissed the Congress from the cow belt have suddenly started sympathising with the Congress. It is a fact that the Congress party has no presence in the cow belt. They have to work very hard to create an organisation if they want to make their presence felt in the cow belt.
CNN-IBN: But this is a bizarre situation. You are still the Railway Minister but are fighting the Congress. Are the doors still open for an alliance with the Congress?
Lalu Prasad: No. Now it’s not possible. I have entered the field.
CNN-IBN: But why are you not resigning from the Cabinet? Is there any possibility now of an understanding with Congress?
Lalu Prasad: No, no. Now nothing is possible. The question of reopening the negotiations does not arise.
CNN-IBN: Is the move to make Sadhu Yadav one of Congress’ candidates a deliberate move to anger you?
Lalu Prasad: I don’t even take notice of these things. So called Sadhu Yadav is a child in politics. The Congress has no idea. I know him and Bihar people know Sadhu Yadav. I have already suggested the media people why are you taking my name with Sadhu Yadav as my brother-in-law.
CNN-IBN: You were one of the most important ministers of the UPA. After the elections will you continue to be so or do you fear that you will lose some weight in terms of importance?
Lalu Prasad: I am not fearing anything. I am here because of my own strength. If I am strong, people will like me. If I am not in power, nobody will even congratulate me.
CNN-IBN: Some people are saying how come Lalu Prasad is both a minister at the Centre as well as an enemy of the Congress?
Lalu Prasad: Nobody is a minister because of the Congress party. Whoever was a minister at the centre was because of the share they got being part of the UPA.
CNN-IBN:So you are saying, today you will continue to be a minister as well fight against the Congress in Bihar?
Lalu Prasad: We will first defeat the fascist forces and then join hands with the Congress.
CNN-IBN: Sonia Gandhi has made it clear that Manmohan Singh is UPA’s prime ministerial candidate. Do you accept it? Will Manmohan Singh be the PM?
Lalu Prasad: Yes without fail. No doubt. Sonia Gandhi will be always respected. Nobody can create any confusion.
CNN-IBN: Will you join the Third Front if the numbers favour them? You may become the prime minister then rather than support the UPA?
Lalu Prasad: The Third Front has good parties. It has the Left and other parties. But I am not in touch with them. If the UPA is short of numbers then we will take their help.
CNN-IBN: But will you join them?
Lalu Prasad: No, no.
CNN-IBN: So no 1996-like situation? You will not be the Deve Gowda of 2009?
Lalu Prasad: If the need be we will take help for the UPA. Yes for the UPA. And Nitish Kumar cannot leave the BJP. He will be finished. It was a coincidence that Varun Gandhi gave this statement and it was approved by the RSS.